Services to the Publishing Industry
Our Publishing Team consists of leading individuals who are acknowledged experts in their specialist fields. They are lawyers who genuinely understand a client’s commercial aims and the most effective way to achieve them.
Our Publishing Team has either worked in media businesses at director level, or in partnership with them, for many years. Whatever your project or problem, we can deal with it.
We offer clients a unique blend of media expertise, commercial awareness and value for money.
Areas of specialisation include:
Copy clearance
Other pre and post publication issues
Reputation Management
Publisher / writer / agent agreements
Creation, commissioning and hosting of digital content
Trade Marks and passing off
Data Protection / privacy policies
Terms and Conditions
National and international brand and copyright licensing
IT contracts / digital Apps
Distribution of digital content: online and mobile
Printing, distribution, retailing and fulfilment of physical products
Buying and selling of media businesses
Gaming: Online and printed publications
Business start-ups
Selected Clients
Our Publishing team have represented the following clients
John Wiley, Marketforce (UK), The Stationery Office, Tesco Stores, Trinity Mirror PLC, Octopus Publishing, Gamesco, Above and Beyond Creative, Harvest Media, Miriam Stoppard Lifetime, MegaNexus, Blinkbox, Eventful Publishing,
Key Lawyers
Paul Pattinson
IP Licensing, Business Sales and Purchases, Advertising, and general commercial agreements
Paul has 25 years’ experience of advising businesses involved in print and digital media. Dealing with all aspects from creation, through distribution to the exploitation of the products they publish, Paul advises clients on their ever changing and developing commercial and IP arrangements. He also regularly advises on adverts and sales and purchases of media businesses.
email Paul:
Roger Field
Defamation, copyright, pre and post publication issues, general commercial advice
Roger was at Reed Publishing Europe (consumer/business magazines and newspapers) and then Random House. He specialises in media law generally and is a known expert on all aspects of book and magazine publishing. He advises in particular on pre and post publication issues, Intellectual Property, Privacy and Reputation Management. He offers libel reading services as well as general commercial and legal expertise.
email Roger:
Tim Parish
Pre and post publication content advice, defamation and intellectual property
Tim is a very experienced defamation lawyer, providing pre-publication copy clearance and post-publication advice for print and digital media. He also has expertise in intellectual property having advised IPC and then Time Inc UK for many years on copyright and trademark issues.
email Tim:
Ian Penman
Digital, e-commerce, copyright, software and games.
Ian is one of the founding partners of New Media Law LLP, which began in 2002. Ian’s practice involves mostly copyright, contract and IP advice in the Media and Entertainment industries, advising on a wide range of high profile clients within the online, digital, television, film, music, computer games, advertising, software and publishing industries.
email Ian:
Paul Fox
A litigation expert with particular expertise in the media field; Paul specialises in defamation, privacy, confidentiality, contempt issues and intellectual property. He has over 25 years commercial experience and practice in London and Hong Kong. He is a High Court Civil Advocate who regularly represents his clients in the Civil Courts.
email Paul: